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The goal is empowerment, for you to feel freedom, strength and confidence in your body so you can show up bigger where it matters most!

With my support, knowledge and coaching I will help you reach your health and fitness goals.

Learn to EAT and MOVE with ease and confidence.

Become your fittest self without sacrificing your health or happiness.
Balance always.

I am passionate about people and wellness, it is my intention to help every individual I work with to feel more awesome, healthier and stronger not only physically but mentally.

Nourishing Your Body with Breath, Movement, Real Food, Fulfilling Relationships.

holistic - health before fitness.

What You Can Expect Working with Me as Your Coach:

Virtual and in person sessions.

We will focus on Nutrition and Movement together unless you choose support in only one area.

Improve your movement patterns and technique (this alone can be huge in seeing results)

Follow a program that is designed for you to achieve your specific goals. Specific goals are reached when following a specific program which should be based off of assessing YOU first.

Ensure progressive overload - making sure you continue to progress, get stronger and more efficient, there are several ways to do this aside from just adding weight to lifts.

Learn proper breathing during movements and proper tempo, strengthening your connection to your body. (Also adds to improved technique and recovery)

Specific warm ups, mobility and release work to improve your movement limitations and prep you for the demands of your workouts.

Learn to program on your own.

A confidential supportive relationship with me throughout the process. I will be there to guide, support and motivate you while also educating you on topics such as recovery, your nutrition and ensuring you enjoy the process (or at least most of it).

Meal plans, Meal prep and Supplement Regimens as needed.

